Building Resilience in Education in Banadir region.

The project will have direct positive impact on education and can be addressed through this resilience project as per the below key implementation strategies and approaches:

  • Establish and reinforce practical skills and knowledge on life skills among children through the

formation of Child-to-Child Clubs by organizing various school events and per to peer learning


  • Building capacity for Child-To-Child (CtC) facilitator covering issues like mobilization of

community/families to send children to school, organization of various school events and peerto-peer learning activities, improving attendance, life skill, girls’ empowerment initiatives,

including training of girls with the necessary skills to defend themselves against violence, to

believe in their dignity and to foster their self-esteem with the goals of delaying marriage and

preventing early pregnancy

  • Provide supervision, mentoring and coaching skills by strengthening school’s governance and

data management, grant management and community-based emergency preparedness and

response planning

  • Establish six Early Learning Centres (ECE) to provide young children (4-6yrs) with stimulating

educational experience. Model ECD centres, train ECD facilitators to focus on early grade

reading and numeracy and positive discipline

  • Provide individual cash grants to the most vulnerable children, particularly girls, through

selection protocols jointly developed by CECs and MoE representative to overcome costrelated barriers and increase incentives for school enrolment, attendance and completion.

CECs will participate in the identification of eligible children.

  • Educational and recreational materials will be provided to the targeted schools to promote

the enrolment and retention of children who are currently out of school. This effort is in line

with supporting the ESSP to ensure that appropriate learning materials are available for all

learners, and thus overcoming one of the key supply side barriers for children’s learning

  • Provide in-service training for teachers and ECD facilitators.

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