Our Areas of Focus
Education (Education and Vocational Trainings)
Water, Sanitation and hygiene ( WASH)
Peace Building and Conflict resolution
Nutrition programs
Response to Emergencies
Protection (SGV, Child Protection and Human rights)
Agriculture and Livelihoods (food security and Income Generating Activities)

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Himilo Foundation
Himilo Foundation
Himilo Foundation (HIMFO) is a Non-Governmental Organization registered with the Federal government of Somalia, as well as Kenya government and Somali NGO consortium. Himilo Foundation has been established in Somalia since 2002 and has a well developed management structure.It has offices in Nairobi, South and Central Somalia.All the offices have key managers, administration and program staff to coordinate and ensure effective implementation of its projects in Nairobi, Mogadishu, Wanlaweyne, Bardere and Kismayo.
Change a Communities Livelihood
The purpose of the organization is to provide humanitarian relief, reconstruction, recovery and development aid and services to the war torn Southern Central Somalia, Puntland, Somaliland and some parts of Kenya.Himilo Foundation endeavors to work with communities and other humanitarian agencies towards saving and preserving lives and restoring dignity to the people of Somalia.

Himilo foundation in numbers
Our Partners
Himilo Foundation had long and short term partnership with all these organizations.